

Chickens, chickens, and more chickens! Chickens are often called “the gateway livestock” because once you get a few, you soon find that you want more and more and more – and then suddenly, you find yourself eyeing other types of livestock and other spots on your property as you think, “I could fit that goat/pig/cow right there!”

We’ve had chickens at Striving Acres for years. As a matter of fact, we ONLY had chickens for years and years. We started on 1.25 acres, and I was sure that we only had room for chickens (I was wrong!) so that was all we had.

One of the lessons I’ve learned over the years is that there is absolutely no substitute for experience, and I have many years of experience raising chickens that I an share with others. If you’re trying to figure something out about your chickens, and you live in a rural climate that gets cold winters, I’ve probably already experienced it and have written a blog post about it – learn from my mistakes! One of the worst mistakes I ever made was this one when we lost multiple hens and chicks in January 2018.

There are over 130 posts on this blog about chickens (click this link to look through them: all the blog posts I’ve made that have to do with chickens ), or if you are already reading a blog post, click the category menu at the right and scroll down to “chickens”.

New content is added in this category often!